Why a Website is an Asset to your Business

Why a Website is an Asset to your Business

The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word 'asset' simply and succinctly: 'a useful or valuable thing'. When it comes to doing business in the modern world, a website most assuredly meets these two criteria. And, like any other asset, it must be properly managed, nurtured and generally cared for if it is to remain both useful and valuable.

Let's start this edition of the Brickweb blog with four telling statistics. Sources are given in brackets.

  • An overwhelming 82% of the UK's population regularly uses the internet to buy products and services. This equates to just under 54 million people. (International Trade Administration)
  • Nearly eight out of ten (78%) owners of small businesses in the UK have a website for that business. (Forbes)
  • Among UK business owners who do not have a website, 69% believe that they should have one. (Forbes)
  • Well over half (56%) of online consumers do not trust a business that does not have a website. (Weebly)  

Technology has helped to crystallise and condense many things, making them more convenient. Take the smartphone, for example. Before they existed, people would need an address book, a portable music player, a wallet full of cards and cash, a calculator, a stack of takeaway menus, a calendar, a diary, a watch, a train timetable... the list goes on and on. Now, a pocket sized smartphone can perform all of these functions and more.

In a similar way, a website condenses an entire commerce operation. It is a shop window, a business card, a product catalogue, a method of advertising, an inventory management tool, a payment gateway, a customer service agent... once again, the list is practically endless. Let us repeat: a website is an asset.

If you don't have a website for your business, the simple fact is that you are missing out on not thousands, not even millions, but BILLIONS of potential customers. To start with, most of those multitudes are not even going to know that your business even exists. Those that do somehow find out about it are not going to think it is credible or trustworthy. And brand awareness? Forget it.        

All of this sounds a little harsh but it's important to understand that business IS harsh. Your competitors will happily take potential customers away from you if you let them. It can seem daunting to make the move online, especially if you are not tech savvy. That's where we come in.

At Brickweb, we ARE tech savvy. Our team comprises highly skilled, forward thinking employees who utilise cutting edge technology to propel our clients' businesses to success, as evidenced by our proven track record and extensive portfolio of clients. We can do the same for your business.

So, what steps should you take to begin your journey to success in the viciously competitive online arena? Browse our own website to discover the many services and solutions we offer. Read our blog. Check out our client portfolio. And call us TODAY

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