The Brick SEO Tool Package: Start Your FREE Trial Today!

For any business operating in the complex, challenging and competitive world of e-commerce, its website is at the heart of everything. Far more than being simply a digital storefront, it is the very hub of your business and must engage customers from the moment they arrive. And, if you aren't doing the right work at the right time, customers will never even find your website to begin with.

Managing e-commerce websites can take up a lot of time, which often leads to other core needs being neglected. The Digital Workhouse, created by the expert team here at Brick technology, is designed to lighten the load by integrating 20 crucial SEO tools that together make it easy to manage websites in an effective, productive and ultimately lucrative manner.
What follows is a showcase of just three of the many tools included in The Digital Workhouse and how they can revolutionise your e-commerce operation.

Keyword Research
Not all keywords are created equal! The Digital Workhouse will offer you insightful, well-researched suggestions from a variety of sources (including from your competitors' websites!), letting you know which are likely to have the most profitable results. As well as finding popular search terms, the tool will also share those whose power is underestimated. In the process, you'll also learn how to simplify and streamline your approach to keyword research and analysis. 

SEO Analysis
Using this tool carries out a thorough audit of your website, the findings from which will be presented in a clear, easily-understandable report complete with warnings and advice. The report will also have a section dedicated to mobile optimisation, highlighting any problems that are affecting your site rankings for mobile searches. 

Backlinks are a crucial part of any SEO strategy and this tool will link domain research to find out which backlinks are bringing you business and which are purely toxic. You'll find out who's talking about your content and even gain insights on how to reverse-engineer the successful link-building strategies of your competitors!

For a limited time, Brickweb is offering a free trial of The Digital Workhouse when you commit to an upgrade or refresh of your current website. The trial package, which lasts a full three months and is valued at a massive £400, could be an absolute game-changer for your e-commerce business. 

Get in touch with our team TODAY to start your free trial of The Digital Workhouse SEO tool package! 

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