Smart Clothes and 20 NFC tips
Smart Clothes and 20 other ingenious ways to hep your business!
Printwear and Promotion Live NEC Hall 12 (we are on stand B30).
The Decoration Advice Suite
- Sunday 24th April 2022 14:00
- Monday 25th April 2022 11:00
- Tuesday 26th April 2022 12:00
You've probably already used this technology a few times already today.
Everything is Smart in 2022, Smart Speakers, Smart Glasses, Smart Cars and now "Smart Clothes"
The technology has been around since the turn of the century and affects everyone's daily life.
Before COVID the general public didn't really use QR (Quick Response) Codes and now the majority of humans use it without giving a second thought.
There are 3 main types of interactive technologies we all use.
- QR codes, which when scanned can lead to a variety of resources.
- NFC (Near Field Communications) is a more tactile solution and requires proximity of approximately 10 cm. NFC is used to share data between two supported devices (for example iPhone 6 or above). There is no pairing process. It is similar to bluetooth, but without the need to pair. The tags are available in many shapes and sizes, no bigger than a penny piece and hold a few kilobytes of data. They are rewritable or locakable, which means that new information can be "programmed" upon each contact.
- 3 RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) a pro-active technology.
Some applications use a combination of these.
For examply my diabetes monitor uses NFC when I want to get data, and RFID transmits when "stuff" happens such as a hypo.
At the talk, you will be given a small NFC chip.
But first what are smart clothes? These chips can be made and sewn into regular buttons or sewn into a hem for example.
Many of our clients need to prove (not just greenwash) their ethics of providing GOTS provenance (i.e. the source and methodology right from the cotton fields, through production etc.)
Smart Clothes can be supplied to concerts as tickets, schools to contain private information and much more. So just as you may have tapped your credit card or oyster card today, this is all because of Near Field Communications.
You guys have much more experiences and ideas than me and probably can think of many applications that could help your business.
It will give your business a competitive advantage and costs just pennies!
- Smart Clothes.
- Dog tags, from Friday there is a £2000 fine if you don't have your dogs contact information on their colllar.
- Set timers when starting a job, or, clocking in and out.
- Run Siri shortcuts, simply tirgger the tag and maybe show a user guide for that team member task.
- You can place tags around your office or factory, to give instruction via "smart speakers".
- Make payments, use credits, pay with bitcoin.
- I've never been good at claiming mileage, just put a tag in your car and tap and you have a logbook for expenses.
- 8. Set alarms.
- Emergency calls, or contact, place a tag which is programmed to call an emergency contact.
- Reminders at certain places or behind pictures.
- Secret messages.
- Have customers leave reviews or subscribe to your newsletter.
- Doors or container contents.
- Connect to wifi, how many times do people ask for the wifi password?
- "smart tasks". With the Brick Factory, you can incorporate your workflow jobs.
- Picking inventory and stock control.
- Unlock doors.
- Logins to PCs and allow access to certain software.
- Loyalty cards.
- Smart Posters.
- Business Cards.
So here are some ideas for using NFC either for your products, business, or, just to make your life simpler.
It is technology that everyone is using many times a day. It costs you pennies and takes little or no skill to program, Using simple APPs.