Print on Demand: It's Time for Success!

Print is one of the world's most influential, dynamic and fastest growing sectors in the global economy. The outlook for the printing industry has never been better and offers vast amounts of opportunities for those ambitious enough to leverage the market, especially that which exists in the booming ecommerce arena. 

Data from Smithers, a leading creator of market research reports staffed by a highly qualified network of experts from across the scope of industry, values the total market size of the industry at close to £625 billion. The data has been used to project how much the market size will grow in the coming four years, producing a prediction of a massive £90 million increase.

The seismic shift towards digital printing has both driven and been driven by an ever growing demand for more personalisation across the board. Consumers from the millennial and Gen Z demographic are the most influential of all and, with their expectations for custom printed, on demand products becoming ever higher. Those wishing to capitalise on this growth must be able to adapt quickly to react to demand. 

Consulting giant Deloitte recently carried out a massive global survey, the results of which revealed that over half of consumers are 'interested in acquiring personalised or custom products'. A similar study by Wordpress platform WP Engine found that the level of this desire is even higher among Gen Z customers, with a full 75% saying that they are 'more likely to buy a product if they can customise it'. 

Demand for more sustainably sourced and produced goods has also seen a sharp rise, driven as much by new regulations as much as by environmentally aware consumers. Consulting solutions experts PwC projected that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investments will rise to a staggering £26.5 billion by 2026. With the print on demand industry boasting exceptional green credentials in terms of conserving resources (specifically energy, water and inventory), it is not difficult to see why it is such a rapidly growing sector.
The growth of the custom printing industry has of course made it an extremely competitive place to operate in and so companies need to do everything they can to get an edge over their many competitors. The Brick Factory, a powerful business automation tool created by the expert team at Brickweb, can give you that crucial edge.

We'd like to invite you to learn all about this revolutionary turnkey solution, starting at the dedicated page on our website. You can then browse our Brick Factory blog and check out some of our existing clients. If doing these things whets your appetite (which we guarantee it will!) then you can experience the unique power of The Brick Factory with a free, no-obligation demo. Call us today to book yours!

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