All I want for Christmas is... The Brick Factory!

All I want for Christmas is... The Brick Factory!

With the custom merchandise market booming, there's never really a quiet time of year for those working in the worlds of print on demand, embroidery and DtG. But if you think that things are moving quickly right now, just wait until Q4 really gets going in the upcoming weeks and months! Known to retailers of all kinds as the 'Golden Quarter', the last three months of the year offer untold opportunities to those who are ready to embrace it and equipped to deliver the goods, literally.

Christmas is all about maximising your options. You don't want a chocolate bar: you want a whole selection box full of them. There's no struggling to find a film or TV show you want to watch: instead you struggle to find time to watch the vast array on offer. In recent years, that array of choice has become ever greater in terms of gifts too, with everyone wanting to create unique experiences. That's why the custom clothing and merchandise market is such a lucrative one to be in, especially during Q4. Never mind sleigh bells: what you want to be hearing is the bells ringing on your metaphorical TILL!

So, what are the downsides? Well, managing a custom merch operation does involve the successful juggling of many different elements. The questions come thick and fast. How does my website look and perform? Are my customers getting the best UX? Are my APIs functioning correctly? What about my stock levels? Did all of my packages go out on time and how many were there? Do I have enough staff? What's on the agenda for tomorrow? Have I answered all of these questions? Have I even asked myself all of the questions yet?!

At the risk of pushing you one question too far, we're going to ask just one more. Do you need The Brick Factory? Don't worry, we're going to answer it for you. The answer is a resounding YES!

If you want to revolutionise your custom printing business, which of course you most assuredly do, then the very best Christmas present you can give yourself is The Brick Factory. And never mind that it's August! Our game changing business automation tool will provide authoritative answers to every question, freeing up your time and resources to concentrate on what you do best. 

See and manage your orders in real time 24/7, enjoy automated stock ordering and drop shipping, let your customers create all kinds of high quality personalised items and keep them updated right the way through the process. Get all of the benefits with none of the hassle. Sorted! 

Find out more about The Brick Factory on our website, where you'll also find our dedicated blog and links to the websites of our existing clients. Then get in touch with our team and book a free demonstration of all of The Brick Factory's many powerful features. Santa is going to be busy this year!

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