A New Year Begins at Brick...
2016 has seen many changes in the online world, from the dizzying growth of mobile websites to the global implementation of HTML5 and HD/Retina technology.
Brick technology have effortlessly kept abreast of these quickly-changing developments and have continued to offer our clients the most modern, complete and supportive service.
As we move into a new year, we look forward to welcoming further evolution in technology that will allow us to drive our clients’ e-commerce and m-commerce businesses to ever greater success.
Mobile Websites and Apps
One of the biggest developments in as correctly predicted by Brick technology experts, has been the rise and rise (and rise!) in the use of mobile devices to access the internet and make online purchases of goods and services.
Brick technology were quick to adapt, making our standard websites responsive to the device they are accessed from, displaying perfectly every time, as well as creating native apps of the most modern quality.
HD/Retina Technology
Another technology of which we were at the forefront, HD/Retina systems are now standard on modern smartphones and tablets.
Indeed, content that is not in this format already appears dated to the discerning eye of the modern internet user; introducing even the slightest doubt into the mind of such a browser is almost certain to mean that that user will seek another website, of which there will be plenty, to cater to their modern needs.
Internet Marketing
Our internet marketing customers receive the dedicated skills of a professional copywriter, who consistently endeavours to deliver fresh, absorbing content to customers.
Brick technology will be working on a new approach to news articles and website content, seeking to engage our clients more directly and produce more dynamic content.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year from everyone at Brick technology!
Brick technology Web Development Lancashire invite you to join us – we are currently adding to our client portfolio and offer to bring experience, professionalism and modernity to your online presence.